www.saltillo.com Page 46SpeechAll NOVA chat 5s are provided with the Ivona speech synthesizer.Others will be provided as they become available for the Androidplatform. The synthesizer can be used to speak individual characters,words, phrases or sentences. You can select exactly what and when youwant to speak. The Speech menu is accessed by:Selecting MenuChoosing Speech OutputThe Voice Section provides the available Synthesizer options. Eachsynthesizer provides its own set of Voice options. All NOVA chats areprovided with the Ivona voice options of:Amy = British English Adult FemaleBrian = British English Adult MaleEmma = British English Adult FemaleIvy = US English ChildJoey = US English Adult MaleKendra = US English Adult FemaleKimberly = US English Adult FemaleSalli = US English Teen FemaleThe Test button will allow you to hear a sample of the voice that isselected.If you are using the NOVA chat Editor, you will not have access to thesynthesizer voices. “SAPI” voices were provided with the installer CDfor your computer, you should be able to select them from the Voicepull-down list.Each Synthesizer speaks words in their own way. PronunciationExceptions can be added to a dictionary for each synthesizer. The voicesynthesizer on the Editor is not the same as the device and the two willnot pronounce words in the same way. Pronunciation changes made onthe Editor will not impact the device.See Saltillo’s website for other available synthesizers.