GBPage 20 of 32INSTRUCTION, USE ANDMAINTENANCE MANUAL G1150.30MAGIC - G1150.30MAGICITRAVAGLIOLI S.p.A.7107-M001-0_RFig. 3312Fig. 348. Once bead breaking has been completed in the lowerpart, move lower roll in the rest position releasingthe pushbutton (Fig. 13 Pos. 4) and activating thepush button (Fig. 13 Pos. 1).12.5 Demounting the tyreWhen both beads are broken, the tyre can be demounted.1. Move the tool unit to assembly position.2. Define the tool position on the rim diameter throughthe lever (Fig. 32 Pos. 1) after the arm has been un-locked with the push button (Fig. 32 Pos. 2) posi-tioned on the lever itself.Fig. 32PAY ATTENTION WHEN REPOSI-TIONING THE TOOL CARRIER ARMTO AVOID CRUSHING HANDS. AL-WAYS MAKE SURE THAT THE ARMIS PROPERLY HOOKED TO THE CAR-RIERALWAYS MAKE SURE THAT THEARM IS CORRECTLY HOOKED TOTHE CARRIER.3. Press the pedal (Fig. 14 Pos. A) to rotate the wheelin clockwise sense until the valve stem reaches “ hour1” position (Fig. 33 Pos. 1).4. Position the tool (Fig. 33 Pos. 2) just next the rimedge using the provided push button (Fig. 13 Pos.2) (see Fig. 34). While this phase is being carriedout, stay just next to a zone in the tyre where beadbreaking has been effectuated.POSITION VERY CAREFULLY THETOOL HOLDER ARM IN ORDER TOAVOID POSSIBLE HANDSCRUSHINGS.USE ONLY TYRE LUBRICANTS. SUIT-ABLE LUBRICANTS CONTAIN NOWATER, HYDROCARBONS, OR SILI-CON.WHILE THIS OPERATION IS BEINGCARRIED OUT PAY ATTENTIONNOT TO DEFORM THE TYRE SIDE.GREASE THE BEAD BEFORE THEROLL RE-ENTERS.