84 RabbitCore RCM42006.5 Run the PINGME.C Sample ProgramConnect the crossover cable from your computer’s Ethernet port to the RCM4200 mod-ule’s RJ-45 Ethernet connector. Open this sample program from the SAMPLES\TCPIP\ICMP folder, compile the program, and start it running under Dynamic C. The crossovercable is connected from your computer’s Ethernet adapter to the RCM4200 module’s RJ-45Ethernet connector. When the program starts running, the green LINK light on the RCM4200module should be on to indicate an Ethernet connection is made. (Note: If the LINK lightdoes not light, you may not be using a crossover cable, or if you are using a hub withstraight-through cables perhaps the power is off on the hub.)The next step is to ping the module from your PC. This can be done by bringing up theMS-DOS window and running the pingme program:ping by Start > Runand typing the entryping ping routine will ping the module four times and write a summary message on thescreen describing the operation.6.6 Running Additional Sample Programs With Direct ConnectThe following sample programs are in the Dynamic C SAMPLES\RCM4200\TCPIP\folder.• BROWSELED.C—This program demonstrates a basic controller running a Web page.Two “device LEDs” are created along with two buttons to toggle them. Users can usetheir Web browser to change the status of the lights. The DS2 and DS3 LEDs on thePrototyping Board will match those on the Web page. As long as you have not modifiedthe TCPCONFIG 1 macro in the sample program, enter the following server address inyour Web browser to bring up the Web page served by the sample program. use the TCP/IP settings you entered in the TCP_CONFIG.LIB library.• PINGLED.C—This program demonstrates ICMP by pinging a remote host. It will flashLEDs DS2 and DS3 on the Prototyping Board when a ping is sent and received.• SMTP.C—This program demonstrates using the SMTP library to send an e-mail whenthe S2 and S3 switches on the Prototyping Board are pressed. LEDs DS2 and DS3 onthe Prototyping Board will light up when e-mail is being sent.