40 RabbitCore RCM4200A program “runs” in either mode, but can only be downloaded and debugged when theRCM4200 is in the Program Mode.Refer to the Rabbit 4000 Microprocessor User’s Manual for more information on the pro-gramming port.4.3.2 Standalone Operation of the RCM4200Once the RCM4200 has been programmed successfully, remove the programming cablefrom the programming connector and reset the RCM4200. The RCM4200 may be reset bycycling, the power off/on or by pressing the RESET button on the Prototyping Board. TheRCM4200 module may now be removed from the Prototyping Board for end-use installa-tion.CAUTION: Power to the Prototyping Board or other boards should be disconnectedwhen removing or installing your RCM4200 module to protect against inadvertentshorts across the pins or damage to the RCM4200 if the pins are not plugged in cor-rectly. Do not reapply power until you have verified that the RCM4200 module isplugged in correctly.