RAINSMARTTM ‘PUMP BOX’ INSTALLATION GUIDEWhat is it? The RainSmartTM ‘Pump Box’ is basically your typical RainSmartTM + Pump +Pump Box all in one, neatly and fully assembled for the ease of you, theconsumer. The RainSmartTM ‘Pump Box’ is used as a switch between Mains andprecious Tank water.How it works? The RainSmartTM ‘Pump Box’ comes fully assembled and works like a typicalRainSmartTM. The Float Switch provided senses when there is and is notsufficient water in the Tank to supply your Amenities. If there is water in theTank, the Motorised Ball Valve (blue box as depicted above) closes and Tankwater is pumped and directed to your Amenities. If there is no water in the Tank,the Motorised Ball Valve opens allowing Mains water to pass through the DualCheck Valve (gold valve beside Motorised Ball Valve as depicted above) to theAmenities. Mains water cannot pass through the Pump as a check valve in thePumps press head prevents this from occurring.What you need? Installing the RainSmartTM ‘Pump Box’ is as easy as 4 simple connections.Connect the Tank to the Pump. Connect the Mains line to the Dual Check Valve.Connect the Amenities line to the T-piece. Lastly, plug the RainSmartTMcontroller into a Mains power outlet. Please note: The installation of theRainSmartTM ‘Pump Box’ must be carried out by a licensed plumber. However,a licensed electrician is not required. (To see Float Retention Gland installationand or setting Reserve Levels, refer to ‘5. INSTALLING FLOAT SWITCH’).