- 11 -10. KEYSPress to switch the balance on/off – keep pressing for about 1 sFunction key: press to select respective operation mode.Press to send the weighing result to a printer or a computer.Press to zero the balancePress to tare the balanceCaution:On pressing and ) keys balance menu is displayed and keys'functions change. For detailed overview of keys' functions go further down thisuser manual.11. PROGRAMMain menu is divided into function groups. Function group is a group ofinterrelated parameters.Parameter No. Name Options OverviewP1. rEAd - Balance parameters1.1. FIL 1, 2, 3 Filter1.2. Auto YES, no Autozero1.3. tare no, AtAr, tArF Tare1.4. Fnnd YES, no Median FilterP2. Prnt RS232 parameters settings2.1. Pr_n StAb, noStAb, rEPL, CntA,Cntb Printout type2.2. S_Lo LO Threshold2.3. bAud 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200,38400 RS232 baud rate2.4. S_rS7d2SnP, 7d1SEP, 7d1SoP,8d1SnP, 8d2SnP, 8d1SEP,8d1SoPSerial communicationparametersP3. Unit Unitsg, kg, N, ct, lb Basic weighing unit selectionP4. Func Working modes