©2006 QNC, Inc. 0106 Operator’s Manual 2INTRODUCTION/PACKING LISTINTRODUCTIONMarketed since 1990, the Quik n' Crispy® Greaseless Fryer is the result of years ofresearch, development, and refinement. By using the principles of forced hot airand radiant heat, the Quik n' Crispy can quickly cook and brown a number of"oven ready" convenience foods. This easy-to-use countertop greaseless fryersafely and efficiently eliminates the health concerns, expense, and operatingdifficulties inherent with hot oil cooking processes.PACKING LISTIncluded in the Quik n' Crispy packing carton are the following items:1 Quik n' Crispy Greaseless Fryer1 Cooking Basket Assembly1 Cooking Basket Bracket, Handle & Mounting Screws1 Drip Tray1 Separation Wall Panel1 Removable Front Panel1 Splash Guard for Cooking Chamber Ceiling4 Adjustable Legs1 Operator's Manual1 Product Registration Form