A–Configuring the Data Path Through iSR6200 for Online Data MigrationLinux Multipath ConfigurationA-4 ISR654608-00 BLinux Multipath ConfigurationTable A-3. Configuring Native Device Mapper-Multipath on LinuxOS Linux:RHEL 4 and 5, SLES 10 and 11Multipathing software Native Device Mapper-MultipathMultipath installationverificationIssue the multipath -ll command and verify that multiplepaths exist for the multipath device mapper disk.Validations During Router Insertion ProcessRemoving first direct path fromcontroller port (for example,Port A)The status for the path belonging to the zoned-out controller port(for example, Port A) is shown as failed or faulty in the multipath-ll output on the host.NOTE: For Netapp, use the Netapp-provided multipath.confentry, which should be updated in /etc/multipath.conf.Adding router path for theremoved controller port.(forexample, Port A)The newly-added path appears active or ready on the host in themultipath -ll output. Depending on the policy settings, part ofthe host I/O may start flowing through the path presented by therouter. To verify, issue the show perf byte command on therouter, which shows the traffic flowing through the router ports.Removing second direct pathfrom controller port (for exam-ple, Port B)The path status for the path belonging to the zoned-out controllerport (for example, Port B) is shown as failed or faulty in the multi-path -ll output on the host. The entire host I/O now must flowthrough the router. Verify that the show perf byte commandshows the I/O flowing through the router.Adding router path for theremoved controller port.(forexample, Port B)The host initiator port is seen as online and logged in on the routerCLI and SANsurfer iSCSI/FC Router Manager. The newly-addedpath appears active and ready on the host in the multipath-lloutput. Depending upon the policy settings, part of the host I/O maystart flowing the new path presented by the router.