Listening to your system0532EnUsing Front Stage SurroundAdvanceThe Front Stage Surround Advance functionallows you to create natural surround soundeffects using just the front speakers and thesubwoofer.• While listening to a source, press STEREO/A.L.C. to select Front Stage Surround Advancemodes.• STEREO – See Listening in stereo onpage 31 for more on this.• A.L.C. – See Listening in stereo on page 31for more on this.• F.S.S.FOCUS – Use to provide a richsurround sound effect directed to thecenter of where the front left and rightspeakers sound projection area converges.• F.S.S. WIDE – Use to provide a surroundsound effect to a wider area than FOCUSmode. 1Using Stream DirectUse the Stream Direct modes when you wantto hear the truest possible reproduction of asource. All unnecessary signal processing isbypassed.• While listening to a source, press AUTO/DIRECT to select Stream Direct mode.• AUTOSURR. – See Auto playback onpage 30.• DIRECT – Sources are heard according tothe settings made in the Surround Setup(speaker setting, channel level, speakerdistance), as well as with dual monosettings. You will hear sources accordingto the number of channels in the signal.For analog sources, only Channel Level canbe set. All other digital processing can notbe set.Using the Sound RetrieverWhen audio data is removed during thecompression process, sound quality oftensuffers from an uneven sound image. TheSound Retriever feature employs new DSPtechnology that helps bring CD quality soundback to compressed 2-channel audio byrestoring sound pressure and smoothingjagged artifacts left over after compression. 2• Press SOUND RETRIEVER to switch thesound retriever on or off.Note1 When using F.S.S. WIDE, a better effect can be obtained if Auto MCACC Setup is performed. For more on this, refer toAutomatically setting up for surround sound (MCACC) on page 8.AUTO/DIRECTPHASEADV SURRSOUNDRETRIEVERSTEREO/A.L.C.ACOUSTICEQSTANDARDDIALOGFront leftspeaker Front rightspeakerFOCUS position (Recommend)Front leftspeaker Front rightspeakerWIDE position2 The Sound Retriever is only applicable to 2-channel sources.AUTO/DIRECTPHASEADV SURRSOUNDRETRIEVERSTEREO/A.L.C.ACOUSTICEQSTANDARDDIALOGAUTO/DIRECTPHASEADV SURRSOUNDRETRIEVERSTEREO/A.L.C.ACOUSTICEQSTANDARDDIALOG