PioneerTS-A3000LBTS-A2500LBTS-A2000LB15QQWM.X./NOM.400w12QQWM.X./NOM.3QQw70QWM.X./NOM. 250wSEALED ENCLOSURE TYPE SUBWOOFERHP DE GRAVES DU TYPE AVEC ENCEINTE HERMETIQUESUBWOOFER DE CAIXA SELADACA6BYEP B 3AKPblTOM KOPnYCEThank you for purchasing this Pioneer product.Be sure to read this instruction manual before installing this speaker.Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich fiir dieses Produkt von Pioneer entscheiden haben.Vor dem Einbau des Lautsprecher, verfehlen Sie nicht diese Vorschrift zu lesen.Merci d'avoir achete ce produit Pioneer.Priere de lire obligatoirement ce manuel d'installation avant de monter lehaut-parleur.Grazie per aver acquistato questo prodotto Pioneer.Prima di installare l'altoparlante leggete tassativamente le istruzioni.&WARNING1. Install this speaker where it will not obstruct and will not be a danger to passengers in emergency stop2. TO PREVENT ELECTRICAL SHOCK. FIRE AND OTHER INJURYBefore drilling any mounting holes, make sure you do not damage anything behind , such as the gas lines, brake lines or electrical wiring3. Use only the parts supplied. These parts are designed to help you securely install this speaker4. Do not install the TS-A3000LB / TS-A2500LB / TS-A2000LB anywhere it can get wet5. Do not put your hand or any other thing in the duct. or injury or damege to the loudspeaker may result6. While driving keep your listening volume at a level which does not mask important outside traffic noises, such as emergency vehicles, etc7. High sound levels may cause permanent hearing loss8. Avoid installing in areas that are unstable or subject to frequent vibrations. There is the possibility that the equipment could become detached from suchareas, resulting in damage or even injury.&CAUTION1. Install securely according to the installation instructions2. Wiring the speaker terminals out of phase may cause a reduction in bass output3. When routing leads and cords, secure them with cable retainers and electrician's adhesive tape or shrink tubing wherever they may touch sharp edges.Keep all wiring away from hot surfaces or heater outlets to prevent short circuits.4. Refer to your car stereo's operation manual as well when installing speakers in your car.5. When connecting these speakers with a PIONEER car ster eo component's power amplifier, do not combine the left and right speaker's negative wires6. TS-A3000 LBPI ONEER recommends that this TS-A3000LB be used in conjunction with amplifiers whose continuous (RMS) output is lower than 400 W which is nominalinput power of this TS-A3000LB.TS-A2500LBPIONEER recommends that this TS-A2500LB be used in conjunction with amplifiers whose continuous (RMS) output is lower than 300 W which is nominalinput power of this TS-A2500LBTS-A2000LBPIONEER recommends that this TS-A2000LB be used in conjunction with amplifiers whose continuous (RMS) output is lower than 250 W which is nominalinput power of this TS-A2000LB* Information Note for Customers in Russia and CIS countries* Inform ation - !'attention des clients de Russie et des pays de la CEI.* Nata inform ativa per i consumatori della Russia e dei paesi del CIS.* Nota de informa~ao para consu midores da RU. ssia e paises da CE I.* "1H(popMau,111R A/IA norpe6111reneH a Pocc111111 1,1 CHr.npMM8'48HM8:6 COOTBeTCTBMM co CT8Tb8H 5 38KOHa PoccMHCK0H Cl>eA8P8LtMM ( O 3al.1.lVIT8 npae norpe6111re11eH ) VI nOCT8H0B/18HMeM npaeMTel1bCTB8 P occMMCK0Mct>eAepa1..tMM N-272 0 OT 16 .06.97 K0M08HMR Pioneer Eu rope NV oroeapV1B88T cne AYIOl.1.lVIH cpoK C/1Y)K6 bl M3,Q8mtH, OQ)MU,MatlbHO nocraenReMblX Hap0CCVIHCKMiil pblH0K.AeTOM0611111bH8R 311eKTp0HMK8 : 6 neTKOPnOPALll'1R nAIIIOHl'1P28-8, XoHKOM8rOM3 2-Y0MB, 6yHK8-Ky, T0KMO 113-0021 , AnOHMA1'1MnopTep 000 "nl'1OHEP PYC"105064, POC CM R, r . MOCKB8, HM>KHMH CycanbHbliil nepeynoK, ACM 5, crpoeHM8 19 Ten.: +7 ( 495)956 -89-01eFEATURES1. Optimized shallow enclosure design for installation flexibility (Under/Behind the seat, Limited luggage space)2. Removable feet for down-firing installation configuration3. Glass fiber and mica reinforced IMPP cone for high energy bass and low distortion4. Powerful motor structure with extended voice coil for powerful and accurate bassTS-A3000LBesPECIFICATIONS• Speaker size .. ·• Continuous power handling (RMS)... ¢30 cm (12" dia .).................. 400W................. 1500W• Maximum music power ·· Sensitivity ..• Frequency response• Nominal impedance• Gross weight ·Note :.. .... 88d8(1 W / 1 m)............ 20Hzto 1.0kHz(-20dB)...................... 2 Q.. 12 .3 kg (27 lb 3 oz)Specifications and the design are subject to possible modificationwithout notice due to improvements.TS-A2500LBesPECIFICATIONS• Speaker size ·• Continuous power handling (RMS)....... ¢25 cm (10" dia.)........................... 300W• Maximum music power ...... 1 200 W• Sensitivity .. .. .................................... 86 dB (1 W / 1 m)• Frequency re sponse · ...... .... 20 Hz to 900 Hz (-20 dB)• Nominal impedance .......... · ......... · ·· .... · .................... ·.. .. ... .. 2 Q• Gross weight · ....... 8.57 kg (18 lb 14 oz)Note :Specifications and the design are subject to possible modificationwithout notice due to improvements.EU models only / Nur EU-Modelle / Modeles de l'UE uniquement / Solo modelli UE / S61o modelos de la'1:t If you want to dispose this product, do not mix it with general household waste. Ther.e is a separate collection system for used electronic products~ in accordance with legislation that requires proper treatment, recovery and recyclingPrivate households in the member states of the EU, in Switzerland and Norway may return their used electronic products free of charge to designatedcollection facilities or to a retailer (if you purchase a similar new one)For countries not mentioned above, please contact your local authorities for the correct method of disposal.By doing so you will ensure that your disposed product under goes the necessary treatment, recovery and recycling and thus prevent potential negativeeffects on the environment and human heal th.'1:( Mischen Sic dieses ~rodukt, wenn Sie es entsorgen wo ll en, nicht mit gewOhnlichen Haushaltsabfa ll en. Es gibt ein getrenntes Sammelsystern furA gebrauchte elektrornsche Produkte, iiber das die richtige Behandlung, Riickgewinnung und Wiederverwertung gema8 der bestehenden- Gesetzgebung gewahrleistet wird.Privathaushalte in den Mitgliedsstaaten der EU, in der Schweiz und in Norwegen kOnnen ihre gebrauchten elektronischen Produkte an vorgesehenenSamrneleinrichtungen kostenfrei zuriickgeben oder aber an einen Handler zuriickgeben (wenn sie ein ahnliches neues Produkt kaufen).Bitte wenden Sie sich in den Landern, die oben nicht aufgefiihrt sind, hinsichtlich d er korrekten Verfahrensweise der Entsor gung an die OrtlicheKomrnunalverwaltung.Auf diese Weise stellen Sie sicher, dass das zu en tsorgende Produkt der notwendigen Behandlung, Rilckgewinnung und Wiederverwertungunterzogen wird, und so mOgliche negative Einfliisse auf die Urnwelt und die menschliche Gesundheit verrnieden werden.'1:( Si vous so uh aitez vo us debarrasser de cet a pp are il, ne le mettez pas a la poubelle avec vos ordures menageres. II existe un systeme de~ collecte separe pour Je s appareils electroniques usages, qui doivent ~tre recuperes, traites et recycles conformement 8 la legislation.Les habitants des etats membres de l'UE, de Suisse et de Norvege peuvent retourner gratuitement leurs appareils electroniques usages aux centresde co llecte agrees ou a un d etailla nt (si vous rachetez un appareil similaire neuO.Dans les pays qui ne sont pas mentionnes ci-dessus, veuillez contacter les autoritks locales pour savoir comment vous pouvez vous debarrasser devos appareils.Vous gar antirez ainsi que les appareils dont vous vous debarrassez sont correctement recuperes, et recycles et previendrez de cette facon lesimpacts nefastes possibles su r l'environnement et la sante humaine.'1:t Se si vuole eliminare questo prodotto, non gettarlo insieme ai rifiuti domestici. Esiste un sistema di raccolta ditferenziata in conformitA alle leggiA che richiedono appositi trattamenti , recupero e riciclo.- '-------------------------------------'I privati cittadini dei paesi membri dell'UE, di Svizzera e Norvegia , possono restituire senza alcun costo i loro prodotti elettronici u sa ti ad appositiservizi di raccolta o a un rivenditore (se si desidera acquistarne uno simile).Per i paesi non citati qui sopra, si prega di prendere contatto con le autoritA locali per ii corretto metodo di smaltimento.In questo mode , si El sicuri che ii proprio prodotto eliminate subirA ii trattamento , ii recupero e ii riciclo ne cessa ri per prevenire gli effettipotenzialmente negativi sull'ambiente e sulla vita dell ' uomo .U.S. and Canadian models only / Nur US-und Kanada- Modelle / Modeles americains et canadiens uniquementModelos apenas dos EUA e Canada / TOllbKO AllR MOAeneii CWA M KaHaAbl / ,l.;; ~1., '-P-i..>-'')11 ..:.ut.;.,_,.ll&WARNINGThe Safety of Your Ears is in Your HandsGet the most out of your equipment by playing it at a safe level - a level that lets the sound come through clearly without annoying blaring or distortion and, mostimportantly, without affecting your sensitive hearing. Sound can be deceiving. Over time, your hearing "comfort level" adapts to higher volumes of sound, so whatsounds "normal" can actually be loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard against this by setting your equipment at a safe level BEFORE your hearing adapts.ESTABLISH A SAFE LEVEL:· Set your volume control at a low setting· Slowly increase the sound until you can hear It com fortably and cl early, wi th out distortion.• Once you have established a comfortable sound level, set the dial and leave it there.BE SURE TO OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES:· Do not tum up the volume so high that you can't hear what's around you.• Use caution or temporarily discontinue use in potentially hazardous situations· Do not use headphones while operating a motorized vehicle ; the use of headphones may create a traffic hazard and is illegal in many areasRegister your product at I Enreglstrez votre prodult au : http://www.ploneerelectronlcs.caTS-A2000LBesPECIFICATIONS• Speaker size · · .. · ... · · ................... · · ....... •· · .. · · · · · · ·· · · ¢ 20 cm (8" dia.)• Continuous power handling (RMS) ............... · ............... · .. .. 250 W• Maximum music power .. · · · · · · · 700 W• Sensitivity·· ......... 84d8(1 W /1 m)· Frequency response · · · 25 Hz to 1.4 kHz (-20 dB)· Nominal impedance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2 Q• Gross weight .. 5.57 kg (12 lb 4 oz)Note :Specifications and the design are subject to possible modificationwithout notice due to improvements© PIONEER CORPORATION 2019 28-8, Honkomagome 2-chome, Bunkyo-ku , Tokyo 113-0021 , JAPAN/ JAPON PRINTED IN VIETNAM IMPRIME AU VIET-NAM(TRD1481-BNI)