Getting started 0371EnSetting up the GUIDE Plus+® systemThis section is only applicable if you chose to use theGUIDE Plus+ system as the EPG type in step 10 of theSetup Navigator above.The GUIDE Plus+ ® system* is a free, interactive on-screen television programming guide. The system offersprogramme listings for all major channels, one-touchrecording, search by genre, recommendations accordingto your profile and more.For the GUIDE Plus+ system to function correctly, it isimportant that you set the language and countrycorrectly in the Setup Navigator, and that you haveperformed a scan for available channels, as these are allused by the GUIDE Plus+ system. If any of these thingsare not yet set, please run the Setup Navigator first (seeSwitching on and setting up on page 68).TV listings information is received via ‘Host Channels’. Inorder to receive the correct TV listings information foryour country or region you need to set up the GUIDEPlus+ system and ‘download’ the TV listings information.The initial download can take up to 24 hours, but oncethis is done, all future updates are automatic.* GUIDE Plus+, S HOW V IEW , VIDEO Plus+, G-LINK are (1)registered trademarks or trademarks of, (2) manufacturedunder license from and (3) subject of various internationalpatents and patent applications owned by, or licensed to,Gemstar-TV Guide International, Inc. and/or its relatedaffiliates.Legal NoticeGEMSTAR-TV GUIDE INTERNATIONAL, INC. AND/OR ITSRELATED AFFILIATES ARE NOT IN ANY WAY LIABLE FOR THEACCURACY OF THE PROGRAM SCHEDULE INFORMATIONPROVIDED BY THE GUIDE PLUS+ SYSTEM. IN NO EVENT SHALLGEMSTAR-TV GUIDE INTERNATIONAL, INC. AND/OR ITSRELATED AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY AMOUNTSREPRESENTING LOSS OF PROFITS, LOSS OF BUSINESS, ORINDIRECT, SPECIAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCONNECTION WITH THE PROVISION OR USE OF ANYINFORMATION, EQUIPMENT, OR SERVICES RELATING TO THEGUIDE PLUS+ SYSTEM.1 Display the GUIDE Plus+ setup menu.The language and country settings are already set towhatever you selected in the Setup Navigator.2 Highlight ‘Postal Code’.3 (LCD page 2) Enter your postal code.GUIDEENTER1 2 34 5 67 8 90ENTER