Pioneer PRO-1000HDI Service Manual
PRO-1000HDI 35 6 7 85 6 7 8CDFABELeakage Current Cold CheckWith the AC plug removed from an AC power source, place ajumper across the two plug prongs. Turn the AC power switch on.Using an insulation tester (DC 500V), connect one lead to thejumpered AC plug and touch the other lead to each exposed metalpart (input/output terminals, screwheads, metal overlays, controlshafts, etc.), particularly any exposed metal part having a returnpath to the chassis. Exposed metal parts having a return path tothe chassis should have a minimum resistor reading of 0.3MΩand a maximum resistor reading of 5MΩ. Any resistor valuebelow or above this range indicates an abnormality whichrequires corrective action. Exposed metal parts not having areturn path to the chassis will indicate an open circuit.Leakage Current Hot CheckPlug the AC line cord directly into an AC power source (do notuse an isolation transformer for this check).Turn the AC power switch on.U s i n g a " L e a k a g e C u r r e n t Te s t e r ( S i m p s o n M o d e l 2 2 9equivalent)", measure for current from all exposed metal parts ofthe cabinet (input/output terminals, screwheads, metal overlays,control shaft, etc.), particularly any exposed metal part having areturn path to the chassis, to a known earth ground (water pipe,conduit, etc.). Any current measured must not exceed 0.5mA.A N Y M E A S U R E M E N T S N O T W I T H I N T H E L I M I T SOUTLINED ABOVE ARE INDICATIVE OF A POTENTIALSHOCK HAZARD AND MUST BE CORRECTED BEFORERETURNING THE SET TO THE CUSTOMER.PRODUCT SAFETY NOTICEMany electrical and mechanical parts in PIONEER set havespecial safety related characteristics. These are often not evidentfrom visual inspection nor the protection afforded by themnecessarily can be obtained by using replacement componentsrated for higher voltage, wattage, etc. Replacement parts whichhave these special safety characteristics are identified in thisService Manual.Electrical components having such features are identified bymarking with a on the schematics and on the parts list in thisService Manual.The use of a substitute replacement component which dose noth a v e t h e s a m e s a f e t y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s a s t h e P I O N E E Rrecommended replacement one, shown in the parts list in thisService Manual, may create shock, fire or other hazards.Product Safety is continuously under review and new instructionsare issued from time to time. For the latest information, alwaysconsult the current PIONEER Service Manual. A subscription to,or additional copies of, PIONEER Service Manual may beobtained at a nominal charge from PIONEER.LeakagecurrenttesterReading shouldnot be above0.5mADeviceundertestTest allexposed metalsurfacesAlso test withplug reversed(Using AC adapterplug as required)EarthgroundAC Leakage Test |
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