3Lead in the solder used in this productis a known reproductive toxicant whichmay cause birth defects or other reproductiveharm. (California Health and Safety CodeSection 25249.5).When servicing this or handling circuitboards and other components whichcontain solder, avoid unprotected skincontact with the solder. Also, whensoldering do not inhale any smoke orfumes produced.This technical training guide will addressthe disassembly and adjustments of thePioneer PDP-503CMX Plasma Display.This guide was designed as a servicing aidand is not intended to replace the servicemanual. The student should have theappropriate service manual on hand whenwhen using this guide. Data in the servicemanual for this unit contains specificinformation on safety, parts and adjustments.Safety informationImportant safety data for this Pioneer modelis contained in the service manual. Beforereturning the unit to the customer, completeall product safety obligations and tests.Technicians who bypass safety features orfail to carry out safety checks may exposethemselves and others to possible injury,and may be liable for any resulting damages.PrefaceFor more information on electroniccircuits and block diagrams referto Service manual ARP3093