38PROGRAM BLOCK (V. CHIP) FUNCTIONHOW TO REMOVE BLOCKINGFROM A PROGRAM IN PROGRESSIf you choose a program that has a rating higher than yourprogram blocking rating, the picture and sound will cut offand an enter password screen will appear.MP A A R A T I N G: RP R O G R AM B L O C K E DIf you enter your password the blocking will be removed forthis viewing only.NOTE:If the monitor power is turn OFF then turned ON again, the ProgramBlocked screen will appear again and you'll need to re-enter thepassword to view the program.REMOVING BLOCKING INMULTI-SCREEN MODE• Just as in normal single-screen mode, programs areblocked in SEARCH screen mode (see pages 43 and 44),but blocking can be removed only from the Main picture.To remove blocking from Search picture screen, switch tothe Main picture for that channel and then remove blocking.• When viewing in FREEZE screen (see page 43) mode, onlyprogramming on the Moving screen to the left will beblocked and the programming on the Still screen to theright will be displayed as is.A.TNA 63P R O G R AMB L O C K E DP GP R O G R AMB L O C K E D:A.TNA 63_ _ _ _« BlockMoving screen Still screenStill screen• When blocking is on during SEARCH screen mode, thescreen at search picture side will be blacked out and won'tdisplay: “Key mark”.