Before operating the auto TAand EQ function! Carry out auto TA and EQ in as quiet aplace as possible, with the car engine andair conditioning switched off. Also cutpower to car phones or portable telephonesin the car, or remove them from the car be-fore carrying out auto TA and EQ. Soundsother than the measurement tone (sur-rounding sounds, engine sound, tele-phones ringing etc.) may prevent correctmeasurement of the car interior acousticcharacteristics.! Be sure to carry out auto TA and EQ usingthe supplied microphone. Using anothermicrophone may prevent measurement, orresult in incorrect measurement of the carinterior acoustic characteristics.! When front speaker is not connected, autoTA and EQ cannot be carried out.! When this unit is connected to a poweramp with input level control, auto TA andEQ may not be possible if you lower poweramp input level. Set the power amps inputlevel to the standard position.! When this unit is connected to a poweramp with an LPF, turn off the LPF on thepower amp before carrying out auto TA andEQ. In addition, the cut-off frequency forbuilt-in LPF of an active subwoofer shouldbe set to the highest frequency.! The time alignment value calculated byauto TA and EQ may differ from the actualdistance in the following circumstances.However, the distance has been calculatedby computer to be the optimum delay togive accurate results for the circum-stances, so please continue to use thisvalue. When the reflected sound within a vehi-cle is strong and delays occur. When delays occur for low sounds dueto the influence of the LPF on activesubwoofers or external amps.! Auto TA and EQ changes the audio settingsas below: The fader/balance settings return to thecenter position. (Refer to page 9.) The equalizer curve switches to FLAT.(Refer to page 15.) It will be adjusted automatically to highpass filter setting for front, center andrear speaker.! If you carry out auto TA and EQ when a pre-vious setting of this already exists, the set-ting will be replaced.Carrying out auto TA and EQ1 Stop the car in a place that is as quietas possible, close all doors, windows andthe sun roof, and then turn the engine off.If the engine is left running, engine noise mayprevent correct auto TA and EQ.2 Fix the supplied microphone in the cen-ter of the headrest of the drivers seat, fa-cing forward, using the belt (soldseparately).The auto TA and EQ may differ depending onwhere you place the microphone. If desired,place the microphone on the front passengerseat to carry out auto TA and EQ.3 Turn the ignition switch to ON or ACC.If the cars air conditioner or heater is turnedon, turn it off. Noise from the fan in the airDigital Signal ProcessorEn18Section03