12.CIRCUITDESCRIPTIONSThe CT-1060W (CT-S77W) Stereo DualCassette Tape Deck features two separate cassettedeck sections — one for recording and playback,and the other for playback only. g12.1 OUTLINE OF MAIN SECTIONSPlayback EqualizerA low-noise operational amplifier IC (M5220L)is used for both deck I and II. Playback equaliza-tion is switched to match the type of tape bytransistor switching of the equalizer element in theequalizer amplifier output circuit. This switching isautomatic when the chrome tape detector hole isdetected in deck I, but requires manual switchingof the TAPE SELECTOR switch in deck II.@ CUE and REVIEW signal attenuatorWhen deck I is switched to cue or review mode,the transistor switch in the output stage of theplayback equalizer circuit is turned on, resultingin the high end frequency response being loweredin addition to the overall level being reduced.(Deck I is switched to cue or review mode bypressing the FF or REW button together with thePLAY button. The RELEASE button is pressedto release the FF or REW key and return to normalplayback mode.)mS 646 6.Fig. 12-1 Block diagram of AN6886CT-1IO60W, CT-S77WDolby NR SectionAn IC (HA12058NT) is used to switch to type Bor type C Dolby NR. When in copy mode, theDolby NR section is bypassed, the deck I playbacksignal being recorded directly in deck II.Recoding AmplifierEmploying an operational amplifier IC(M5218L), the required recording characteristicsare obtained by switching peaking elements in thefeedback circuit.Level MeterA 5-point LED drive IC (AN6886) equippedwith two input circuits is used to connect andcombine left and right channels and drive thelogarithmic (dB) bar type meter.Control SectionSignal and indicator circuits are controlled by amicrocomputer (PD4061). (See 12.3 “Signal andIndicator Circuit Control”’.)py”@