Transferring entries to thePhone BookTo populate the Phone Book you can transferthe numbers in a registered user phone’s ad-dress book.The Phone Book can hold a total of 500 en-tries; 300 from User 1, 150 from User 2, and 50from User 3.! Once the transferring Phone Book functionstarts, the Bluetooth connection is discon-nected and the hands-free phoning is notpossible. In order to restart the hands-freephoning, connect your cellular phone tothis unit again. If the automatic connectionof this unit is turned on, however, the con-nection will be automatically establishedseveral tens of seconds after the phone isdisconnected for the transferring.! Some symbols used in the phone numberof the phone book entries cannot be trans-ferred to this unit. Only +, # and * can becorrectly recognized by this unit.! With some cellular phones, it may not bepossible to transfer whole phone book at atime. In this case, transfer phone book en-tries one by one from your phone by usingyour cellular phone.! Depending on the cellular phone con-nected via Bluetooth wireless technology,this unit cannot display the Phone Bookcorrectly. (Some characters may begarbled.)! If the phone book in the cellular phone con-tains image data, phone book may not becorrectly transferred.1 Touch PHONEBOOK TRANSFER on thefunction menu.2 Touch START to turn the Phone BookTransfer function on.The Phone Book Transfer is now on standby.3 Use cellular phone to perform phonebook transfer.Perform phone book transfer using the cellu-lar phone. For detailed instruction on this,refer to the instruction manual that came withyour cellular phone.# While transferring the phone book, hourglassicon is displayed.# The display indicates how many entries havebeen transferred and the total number to betransferred.# To cancel the transferring process, touchSTOP.4 Completed is displayed and phonebook transfer is completed.Changing the Phone Bookdisplay orderYou can choose to display the Phone Booksorted alphabetically by first name or lastname.! With some cellular phones, this featuremay not be possible.% Touch PHONEBOOK NAME VIEW on thefunction menu to turn Phone Book NameView function on.Display order for the Phone Book is changed.# To change to the other display order, touchPHONEBOOK NAME VIEW again.Calling a number in the PhoneBookYou can select the entry in the Phone Bookand make the call.1 Touch PHONE BOOK to display thePhone Book.Bluetooth TelephoneEn 15EnglishSection02