The “System” screen appears.3 Touch Area1, followed by Area2, andthen touch and hold Area3.Area1 Area2 Area3The “Anti-theft Setting Menu” screen ap-pears.4 Touch [Set Password].The “Password Entry” screen appears.5 Enter the password you want to set.p 5 to 16 characters can be entered for apassword.6 Touch [Go].The “Hint Entry” screen appears.7 Enter a password hint.p Up to 40 characters can be entered for ahint.8 Touch [Go].The “Password Confirmation” screen ap-pears.p If you want to change the password cur-rently set, enter the current password andthen enter the new one.9 Check the password, and then touch[OK].The “Anti-theft Setting Menu” screen ap-pears.Entering the passwordOn the password input screen, you must enterthe current password.1 Enter the password.2 Touch [Go].When the correct password is entered, thisproduct will be unlocked.Deleting the passwordThe current password and password hint canbe deleted.1 Press the HOME button to display theTop menu screen.2 Touch the following keys in the follow-ing order.The “System” screen appears.3 Touch Area1, followed by Area2, andthen touch and hold Area3.Area1 Area2 Area3The “Anti-theft Setting Menu” screen ap-pears.4 Touch [Clear Password].A message confirming whether to delete thepassword appears.5 Touch [Yes].The password setting screen appears.A message confirming a password hint ap-pears.6 Touch [OK].The “Password Entry” screen appears.7 Enter the current password.En 225Chapter38 Other functionsOther functions