13p If the data for these items is not contained in the map data,the information is not available even if there are signs on theactual road.When you set “Offer Freeway Services” to “on”, the iconappears while you are driving on freeways. Touch the icon toopen the details of the next few exits or service stations. In addi-tion, touch an item to show its location on the map. You can setit as a waypoint easily.Browsing the data fieldThe data fields are different when you are navigating a route andwhen you have no specified destination. For example, the datafield provides the following information. When the route is set:Distance to final destination, time needed to reach the finaldestination and estimated arrival time are shown. When the route is not set:Direction or altitude is shown.p Touching and holding the field allows you to display the set-ting screen for the field. Refer to Data Fields on page 26p The estimated time of arrival is an ideal value calculatedbased on the speed limit value set in “Max. Speed” ofvehicle type setting and the actual driving speed. The esti-mated time of arrival is only a reference value, and does notguarantee arrival at that time. Refer to “Route Preferences” settings on page 24CAUTIONFor safety reasons, these route-setting functions are notavailable while your vehicle is in motion. To enable thesefunctions, you must stop in a safe place and put on theparking brake.p Some information regarding traffic regulations depends onthe time when the route calculation is performed. Thus, theinformation may not correspond with a certain traffic regula-tion when your vehicle actually passes through the locationin question. Also, the information on the traffic regulationsprovided applies for a passenger vehicle, and not for a truckor other delivery vehicles. Always follow the actual trafficregulations when driving.p [Destination from Phone] and [Online Search] on the“New Route to...” screen can be used when the AVICSYNCApp connection is established. Be sure read Expanding the use of the navigation functions(page 28) before using the AVICSYNC function.How to plan your routeThe following is a summary of the route setting procedure.1 Search for a destination using various methodson the [New Route] menu.The location you searched for appears on the “Map Location”screen.2 Touch [Select as Destination]. Refer to Using the “Map Location” screen on page 16The “Route Summary” screen appears and countdown begins.When the countdown ends, the guidance automatically starts.If you touch the screen anywhere during the countdown, thecountdown stops and the screen will stay as it is. Refer to Checking route information and preferences on page183 Touch [Start Navigation].Your navigation system starts the route guidance. Refer to Understanding the route guidance on page 12Searching for a location byaddressThe most frequently used function is the address search inwhich the address is specified and the location is searched.How to use the map Searching for adestination