:KHQ\RXILQGDVWDWLRQWKDW\RXZDQWWRVWRUHLQPHPRU\SUHVVDQGKROGDQ\RIWKHEXWWRQV± RU± XQWLOWKHSUHVHWQXPEHUVWRSVIODVKLQJThe station is stored in memory under the selected button.1RWHV Up to 12 stations can be memorized in one band. This product allows you to store and recall directly using preset channels 7 – 12.5HFDOOLQJEURDGFDVWVWDWLRQV 3UHVV1(;7WRGLVSOD\³´±³´ RU³´±³´ Press 1(;7 until “1” – “6” (or “7” – “12”) appears. 3UHVVDQ\RIWKHEXWWRQV± RU± WRUHFDOOWKHVWDWLRQSUHVHWXQGHUWKDWEXWWRQ1RWH You can also use or to recall broadcast stations memorized under the buttons – .8uhtvt h ihq3UHVV%$1'(6&WRVHOHFWWKHGHVLUHGEDQGPress %$1'(6& repeatedly to switch between the following bands:TV 1 – TV 2UW r
spv r= %660 EHVWVWDWLRQVVHTXHQWLDOPHPRU\Press %660 repeatedly to turn BSSM on or off.When finished, the display switches to the preset channel list mode.> FK/,67 SUHVHWFKDQQHOOLVWFor operation of the preset channel list, refer to “Selecting channels from the presetchannel list” on this page.1RWH If you do not operate the function within about 30 seconds, the display is automaticallyreturned.The TV tuner function menu has thefollowing functions:Tryrpvt puhry s
rr puhry yvThe preset channel list lets you see the list of preset channels and select one of themto receive. 3UHVV)81&DQGWKHQSUHVVFK/,67WRVHOHFWWKHSUHVHWFKDQQHOOLVWPRGH 3UHVVDQ\RIWKHEXWWRQV± ± WRUHFDOOWKHGHVLUHGFKDQQHO1RWH You can also use , and to select and recall the desired channel. 3UHVV1(;7WRVZLWFKEHWZHHQ³´±³´DQG³´±³´MAN-ANH-P9R-GB.fm Page 45 Tuesday, June 4, 2002 1:39 PM