puvt ur hhvyhiyr QU`Available PTY search lets you see the list of available PTYs that is in the currentensemble and select one of them to receive. Available PTY search function is different from PTY search function. With thisproduct, you can operate only the available PTY search. 3UHVV)81&DQGWKHQSUHVV37<WRVHOHFWWKHDYDLODEOH37<VHDUFKPRGH 3UHVVWRVWDUWWKH37<VHDUFKDAB receives the desired PTY service.1RWHV The PTY method displayed is narrow. The wide method cannot be selected when using DABas the source. (Refer to page 33.) If there is no available PTY in the current ensemble, you cannot switch to the available PTYsearch mode. If no service broadcasting the selected programming type is found, “Not found” is displayedbriefly, and the DAB tuner returns to the previous service. 3UHVVRUWRVHOHFWWKHGHVLUHG37<UW Ur
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hv 3UHVV6285&(WRVHOHFWWKH79WXQHUPress 6285&( until “Television” appears. 5DLVHRUORZHUWKHYROXPHRolling the VOLUME changes the volume level. 3UHVVRUWRWXQHLQWRDVWDWLRQ If you press and hold or for about one second and then release, you canperform seek tuning.T
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hqph hvIf you press any of the buttons – (or – ), you can easily store up to 12 broadcaststations for later recall.6WRULQJEURDGFDVWVWDWLRQV 3UHVV1(;7WRGLVSOD\³´±³´ RU³´±³´ Press 1(;7 until “1” – “6” (or “7” – “12”) appears.7KHIROORZLQJH[SODLQVKRZWRXVHWKLVSURGXFWWRFRQWUROD79WXQHUZKLFKLVVROGVHSDUDWHO\)RUGHWDLOVRI79WXQHUVSHFLILFRSHUDWLRQIHDWXUHVVHH\RXU79WXQHU VPDQXDO With this product, you can operate preset channel list as one additional function.= %DQG> 3UHVHWQXPEHU? &KDQQHOMAN-ANH-P9R-GB.fm Page 44 Tuesday, June 4, 2002 1:39 PM