39GB/MTGeneral safety advice for electrical power toolsAccidents can happen if you carry the devicewith your finger on the ON / OFF switch or withthe device switched on.d) Remove any setting tools or spannersbefore you switch the device on. A toolor spanner left attached to a rotating part of adevice can lead to injury.e) Avoid placing your body in an unnat-ural position. Keep proper footing andbalance at all times. By doing this you willbe in a better position to control the device inunforeseen circumstances.f) Wear suitable clothing. Do not wearloose clothing or jewellery. Keep yourhair, clothing and gloves clear of mov-ing parts. Loose clothing, jewellery or longhair can become trapped in moving parts.g) If vacuum dust extraction and collectiondevices are fitted do not forget to checkthat they are properly connected andcorrectly used. The use of these devicesreduces the hazard presented by dust.4. Careful handling and useof electrical power toolsa) Do not overload the device. Alwaysuse an electrical power tool that isintended for the task you are under-taking. By using the right electrical powertool for the job you will work more safely andachieve a better result.b) Do not use an electrical power tool ifits switch is defective. An electrical powertool that can no longer be switched on and offis dangerous and must be repaired.c) Pull the mains plug from the socketbefore you make any adjustments tothe device, change accessories or whenthe device is put away. This precaution isintended to prevent you from unintentionallystarting the device.d) When not in use always ensure thatelectrical power tools are kept out ofreach of children. Do not let anyone usethe device if he or she is not familiarwith it or has not read the instructionsand advice. Electrical power tools are danger-ous when they are used by inexperienced people.e) Look after the device carefully. Checkthat moving parts are working prop-erly and move freely. Check for anyparts that are broken or damagedenough to detrimentally affect thefunctioning of the device. Have dam-aged parts repaired before you usethe device. Many accidents have their originsin poorly maintained electrical power tools.f) Keep cutting tools clean and sharp.Carefully maintained cutting tools with sharpcutting edges are less likely to jam and areeasier to control.g) Use the electrical power tool, accesso-ries, inserted tools etc. in accordancewith these instructions and advice, andthe stipulations drawn up for this par-ticular type of device. In doing this, takeinto account the working conditionsand the task in hand. The use of electricalpower tools for purposes other than those in-tended can lead to dangerous situations.5. Use and handling of the cord-less electrical power toola) Charge a rechargeable battery unitusing only the charger recommendedby the manufacturer. Chargers are oftendesigned for a particular type of rechargeablebattery unit. There is the danger of fire if othertypes of rechargeable battery units are used.b) Only the rechargeable battery unitssupplied are to be used with an elec-trical power tool. The use of other recharge-able battery units may lead to the danger ofinjury or fire.c) When they are not being used, storerechargeable battery units away frompaperclips, coins, keys. nails, screwsor other small metal objects that couldcause the contacts to be bridged. Short-circuiting the contacts of a rechargeable batteryunit may result in heat damage or fire.