Note• When [Notification data] is set to “Detection info.(Original)”, the [Notification interval] can only be setto “1s” or “2s”.Destination setting for XML notification[Destination address]Configure the IP address or the host name of the destination for XML notification.• Available number of characters: 1 - 128 characters• Available characters: Alphanumeric characters, the period (.), the underscore (_), and the hyphen (-).• Default: None (blank)[Destination port number]Configure the port number settings for XML notification.• Default: None (blank)The following port numbers are unavailable since they are already in use.20, 21, 23, 25, 42, 53, 67, 68, 69, 110, 123, 161, 162, 443*1, 995, 10669, 10670[Destination path name]Configure the settings for the destination directory to be used for the XML notification.• Available characters: Alphanumeric characters, the period (.), the underscore (_), the hyphen (-), theslash (/), and the colon (:).• Default: None (blank)[User name]Enter a user name.• Available number of characters: 0 - 32 characters• Unavailable characters: " & : ; \• Default: None (blank)[Password]Enter a password.• Available number of characters: 0 - 32 characters• Unavailable characters: " &• Default: None (blank)*1SW355SW355SW352SW352SW316LSW316LSW316SW316SW314SW314SW155SW155SW152SW152SF135SF135SF132SF132SW115SW11514.2 Configuration of the settings relating to the facedetection [Face detection]Click the [Face detection] tab on the “Advanced func.” page.The settings relating to displaying the frame to be used for the face detection and the settings relating to theface detection information attached to the image can be configured.Operating Instructions 15114 Configure the setting relating to the image recognition [Advanced func.] (SW355, SW352, SF346, SF342, SF336,SF335, SF332, SW316L, SW316, SW314, SP306, SP305, SP302, SW155, SW152, SF135, SF132, NP502, NW502S, SW115)