13Setup with the Provided "Panasonic IP Setup" SoftwareSet up the network of the camera by using the "Panasonic IP Setup" software included on the CD-ROM providedwith the camera.The "Panasonic IP Setup" starts up.The MAC address and the IP address of the connected camerawill be displayed. (Click the “REFRESH” button if they are notdisplayed.)Screenshot 1Click the MAC address/IP address of the cam-era to be set up.Click the [NETWORK SETUP] button.• When two or more cameras are connected,the MAC addresses and the IP addresses ofall the connected cameras will be displayed.• The “Panasonic IP Setup” software can rec-ognize only those cameras in the same sub-net.• The updated MAC addresses and IPaddresses of all the connected cameras thatare in the same subnet will be displayed bypressing the REFRESH button.NotesSTEP3STEP2When the provided CD-ROM is inserted into the CD-ROM drive of the PC, the launcher software starts up and thereadme file is displayed.Items included in the software• SETUP• Instructions• MPEG-4 InstallationAfter reading the readme file, click the [SETUP] button.• Double click "launch.exe" on the provided CD-ROM if the launcher software does not start up automatically.• If a firewall (including software) exists, allow access to all UDP ports. Otherwise, it is impossible to use the“Panasonic IP Setup” software.NotesSTEP1