-16-(9) Auto Focus (AF MODE)The camera adjusts the focus automatically by sens-ing the center of the picture. S, M and L stand forthe size of the sensing area: Small, Middle andLarge.See page 40 for details.MANUAL S, M, L: Auto-focus is activated only whenthe AF key on the controller is pressed.AUTO S, M, L: Auto-focus is activated automaticallywhile a manual pan, tilt or zoom operation is per-formed.Note: If SENS UP is set to ON except x2 FIX or x2AUTO, the AUTO (S/M/L) mode is disabled andthe MANUAL (S/M/L) mode is automaticallyselected.(10) Special 2 Menu (SPECIAL2)This menu allows you to adjust and set up the fol-lowing items and functions: chroma level, aperturelevel and pedestal level.You can also reset your parameters to the factorydefault settings.See page 40 for the setting.(11) Self-diagnosis FunctionIf the camera continues operating abnormally for 30seconds or more due to such accident as externalnoise, the camera will automatically reset its power.In the case it happens frequently, check if therewould be any environmental cause.● RS485 CommunicationRefer to the following pages for the communicationparameter settings.• Full/Half duplex (page 45)• Transmission speed (4 900 - 19 200 bps) (page 45)• Parity bit, Stop bit, Flow control (page 43)• Wait time, Delay time, Alarm output (page 43)• Camera units (96 units max.) (page 43)• Termination ON/OFF (page 43)• Reset parameters (page 43)