7About the user manualsTrademarks and registered trademarksThe operating instructions of the camera consist of 2 sets: this book and Operating Instructions(PDF).This book explains how to install the camera.Refer to the "Operating Instructions (PDF)" on the provided CD-ROM for descriptions of how toperform the unit settings. Adobe ® Reader ® is required to read the PDF file (the Operating Instruc-tions) on the provided CD-ROM.When the Adobe ® Reader ® is not installed on the PC, download the latest Adobe ® Reader ® fromthe Adobe web site and install it.Adobe and Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporatedin the United States and/or other countries.Intelligent VMD (i-VMD) functions of motion detection and object abandonment/removaldetection equippedThe motion and abandonment/removal of an object are detectable.The states of covering the camera with a cloth, a cap or others and changing the camera directionnotably can be detected (Scene change detection).The detection resolution has been significantly improved as compared with a conventional type,and the introduction of the newly developed detection method has improved detection accuracyunder the condition that the motion detection is prone to malfunction due to leaves swaying.Note:• The i-VMD function is not the dedicated function to prevent thefts, fires, etc. We are notresponsible for any accidents or damages occurring in case.Optional heater unit can be connectedWhen using the optional heater unit, the product can be used at temperatures within –30 °C to+50 °C {–22 °F to + 122 °F} and humidity below 90 %.