3. Even though an alarm occurs, no automatic recordingis carried out unless "Period1" or "Period2" of "TERMI-NAL REC" and "VMD REC" has been set at "On".4. Information about external alarms is directly sent to thePC through the network. It has no relation to the "TER-MINAL REC" and "VMD REC" setting at the recorder.Please refer to <>on the CD-ROM.5. When "Full" is selected for "Frame Rate", performingplayback, recording of all channels and transmission ofall channels of Net Client in parallel for many hours maystop image processing. In this case, recording will becontinued, though few frames may be dropped.2.4.3 Cancellation of alarmWhen the [ALARM RESET] button is pressed, the alarm iscancelled. The [ALARM] indicator goes off.Notes:1. Recording is continued even though this alarm is can-celled.2. The alarm cannot be cancelled while a menu is dis-played.Close the menu, and then press the [ALARM RESET]button to cancel the alarm.2.5 Camera Control(1) Press the [MENU] button. "WJ-RT208 SETUP MENU"appears.(2) Move the cursor to "PTZ SETUP" and press the [SET]button.The "PTZ SETUP" menu appears.PTZ SETUPPTZ SELECTPRESET INFORMATION28• When an event occurs, the monitoring images of itschannel are displayed in the spot screen.The spot screen is set up with the menu specifiedbelow."WJ-RT208 SETUP MENU" - "SYSTEM MANAGEMENT" -"SYSTEM SETUP" - "Alarm Spot" - "On"• Recording when an event occursWhen there is an alarm, recording is automatically car-ried out during the setup time. In the state of VideoLoss, no recording is carried out. This time setting ismade with the menu shown below."WJ-RT208 SETUP MENU" - "REC & EVENT" - "TERMI-NAL REC" and "WJ-RT208 SETUP MENU" - "REC &EVENT" - "VMD REC" - "Period1" or "Period2" - "On"• BuzzerThe [ALARM] indicator blinks when an alarm is activat-ed, and this buzzer sounds.The buzzer is set up with the menu specified below."WJ-RT208 SETUP MENU] - "SYSTEM MANAGEMENT" -"SYSTEM SETUP" - "Alarm Buzz" - "On"• An alarm signal output is generated from the TERMI-NAL/CONTROL port of the rear panel to the port of thepreset number. The [ALARM] indicator blinks. The out-put port number of Alarm Output is set up with themenu specified below."WJ-RT208 SETUP MENU" - "REC & EVENT" - "TERMI-NAL REC" - "Alarm Output" and "WJ-RT208 SETUPMENU" - "REC & EVENT" - "VMD REC" - "Alarm Output"• Camera turning direction preset positionThe camera preset position is set up with the menuspecified below."WJ-RT208 SETUP MENU" - "REC & EVENT" - "TERMI-NAL REC" - "VMD REC" - "PTZ Preset" or "WJ-RT208SETUP MENU" - "REC & EVENT" - "VMD REC" - "PTZPreset"In regard to camera’s preset position setup, refer to"2.5.6 Register preset position of cameras" on page 30.Notes:1. This recorder is designed to start recording upon termi-nal input or on motion detection. When an alarm occursin the process of recording images from the channel forwhich "TERMINAL REC" and "VMD REC" are set, onlyalarm actions such as event recording or event statusdisplay will be performed. Image quality for recording(Rec. Quality), frame rate and stream type will not auto-matically be changed.2. If another alarm occurs again in the same channel with-in the time period that has been preset with "AlarmTime", the alarm is stopped after the lapse of the presettime period. (The alarm time period is not extended.)WJ-RT208 SETUP MENUSYSTEM MANAGEMENTSEARCHREC&EVENT SETUPPTZ SETUPCAMERA SETUPCOMMUNICATION SETUPREPORTUSER INFORMATIONDATA MANAGEMENT