27The playback is stopped, and live monitoring imagesare displayed on the channel 1 screen.The playback icon also disappears.Note: If you keep pressing the [STOP] button for 2 sec-onds or more when you want to stop playback ofchannel 1, recording of channel 1 is also stopped.2.3.2 Playback the record(1) FWD/REV playbackPress the [FWD] button, [REV] button, or direction but-ton (left/right) during playback.Each time one of these buttons is pressed, theFWD/REV speed is changed.The playback speed is displayed in the status displayarea in the upper left of the screen.>>, >>>>, >>>>>>: Fast-forward playback<<, <<<<, <<<<<<: Fast-rewind playbackWhen the [PLAY] button is pressed, playback is per-formed at a regular speed.Note: The FWD and REV speeds are set up with "I FrameInter." and "Frame Rate" of the "WJ-RT208 SETUPMENU" – "SYSTEM MANAGEMENT" – "SYSTEM SETUP"menu.Method of calculation:(>>,<<) = "I Frame Inter." x denominator of "FrameRate"(>>>>,<<<<) = "I Frame Inter." x denominator of"Frame Rate" x 2(>>>>>>,<<<<<<) = "I Frame Inter." x denominatorof "Frame Rate" x 4Example 1: When "4" is set for "I Frame Inter." and "Full"is set for "Frame Rate":>>, <<: approx. 4-fold, >>>>,<<<<: approx. 8-fold,>>>>>>,<<<<<<: approx. 16-foldExample 2: When "4" is set for "I Frame Inter." and"1/2F" is set for "Frame Rate":>>, <<: approx. 8-fold, >>>>,<<<<: approx. 16-fold, >>>>>>,<<<<<<: approx. 32-fold(2) SKIP playbackWhen the 6 / 7 button is pressed during playback,the image skips to the previous one or the later one andplayback starts from the beginning.(3) Playback/pauseWhen the [PAUSE] button is pressed, playback will bepaused. When the [PAUSE] button is pressed again,ordinary playback starts again.Note: When the [STILL] button is pressed, it is impossibleto pause playback.(4) Step playbackWhen the [PLAY] button or the direction button (right) ispressed, in the middle of a pause, playback of a singleframe continues.When the [PAUSE] button is pressed again, ordinaryplayback starts again.(5) Slow playbackWhen the [PLAY] button is pressed during playback,slow playback starts. The speed of slow playback ishalf that of ordinary playback.2.4 Operations for Events2.4.1 Event typeTerminal Alarm: An event input to be entered from a sen-sor to the TERMINAL port of this unit.Motion Detection: An event to sense and record the move-ment of an object with the aid of the motion detectorfunction (refer to Cautions below).Cautions:1. The external alarm input or the motion detector alarminput is a signal to start recording. If an alarm arisesduring recording, recording is just continued.2. When the motion detector function senses the move-ment of an object, the sensor generates a signal outputby sensing the variation in brightness.Video Loss: Loss of a video signal caused as a result ofcamera signal cable disconnection or camera malfunc-tion.2.4.2 Action at an eventWhen an event occurs, this unit identifies the event and analarm action is taken according to the setup conditions.• When an event occurs, the [ALARM] indicator blinks.The indicator is simultaneously lit up when automaticresetting has been activated.Caution: Automatic resetting is set up so that an alarmaction is automatically finished after the lapse of aspecified time after the event occurs. This time set-ting is made with the menu shown below."WJ-RT208 SETUP MENU" - "REC & EVENT" - "TER-MINAL REC" - "Alarm Time""WJ-RT208 SETUP MENU" - "REC & EVENT" - "VMDREC" - "Alarm Output"After the automatic resetting function is effective,the system returns to the status before the alarmwent off.When the [ALARM RESET] button is pressed, the[ALARM] indicator goes out.• Time and contents of an event are recorded in "WJ-RT208 SETUP MENU" – "REPORT" – "EVENT LOG".• Event state of the specified channel will be displayed.Caution: During an external or motion detector alarm,each relevant icon is displayed as shown below.The external alarm icon is displayed with themark and the motion detector alarm icon with themark.If the video signals are lost, "NO SIGNAL" is dis-played in the position for channel name.