6Introduction (continued)• Locations where condensation forms easily, where tem-perature changes greatly or where humidity level is high• Locations subject to steam and oil smoke such as akitchen• Locations which are not level• Locations subject to dust• Locations where it may get wet from rain or water splashDo not install this product in locations where theproduct or the cables can be destroyed or damagedby persons with malicious intent.Place this product horizontally on a level surface.Do not place this product in an upright position. Whenstacking multiple recorders, clear a space of more than 5 cm{2 inches} from both sides, the top, the bottom and the rearof the recorders.More than5 cm {2 inches} More than5 cm {2 inches}More than5 cm {2 inches}Heat dissipationTo prevent this product from overheating, heed the follow-ing. Failure to observe this may cause fire or trouble.• Do not block the cooling fan outlet or the ventilation holeswith a wall, rack, cloth, etc. Maintain the product periodi-cally to prevent dust from blocking ventilation holes.• The lifetime of the cooling fan is limited by use. It is rec-ommended to replace them after around 30000 hours ofoperation. Contact your dealer for replacement of thecooling fans.• Clear a space of more than 5 cm {2 inches} from bothsides, the top, and the rear of the product. Do not blockthe ventilation holes on the front side since this productis designed to cool the hard disk drives by drawing in airfrom the front.Avoid placing this product near noise sourcesIf the cables are placed near noise sources such as fluores-cent lamps, noises may be produced. In this case, rewireavoiding the noise sources, or move the product to a placefar from the source.GroundingConfirm that the wire is connected from the SIGNAL GNDterminal to earth ground.A grounding connection must be made before connectingthe power plug or this product to the main power supply.When disconnecting the grounding wire, make sure that thepower plug of this product is disconnected from the mainpower supply.For BNC cable connectionUse only the recommended plug below when connecting theBNC plug to the connectors on the rear panel of this product.Applicable plug: MIL-C39012C, MIL-C39012/16F or BSCECC2212: 1981* Suffixes attached to the standards may be updated.BNC cable (locally procured)Plug (locally procured)Tip dimensions inside the recommended BNC plugø1.32 mm - ø1.37 mm{ø0.052 inches - ø0.054 inches}ø0.13 mm - ø0.69 mm{ø0.005 inches - ø0.027 inches}Important:• A compatible plug shall be used. Failure to observe thismay cause trouble such as poor contact. At worst, theconnector of this product may be damaged.Avoid placing receptacles that contain liquids such aswater near this product.If liquid spills onto this product, it may cause fire or an elec-tric shock.Shielded (STP) LAN cables must be used with this unitto ensure compliance with EMC standards.About sulfuration of rubber productsDo not leave rubber products containing sulfur (packing andrubber feet) close to the recorder or in the same storing box.Sulfur constituent from the rubber products may cause sul-furation corrosion on electrical parts or terminals and defectsin the recorder.