47–Is the IP address set correctly? Check whether the set IPaddress is exactly the same one that is set on the PCside. Refer to a system administrator for further informa-tion.Is the same IP address provided to other devices?Refer to a system manager for further information.Check the login status.Check the level settings of the users logging in.For playback of the downloaded record, use theLocalPlayback featured in the NetClient software.Depending on network traffic, audio may sometimes beinterrupted.If the PC in use does not meet the system requirementsfor a PC, audio may be interrupted.Voices are interrupted.Some of the system controlbuttons are unavailable. –Refer to p.5.The downloaded recordcannot be played.Failed to play images nor-mally ––The current network traffic may be too high or the band-width is getting narrower.Check whether the network cable is firmly connected tothe 10/100BASE-T Port.TroubleshootingBefore asking for repairs, check the symptoms with the following table.Contact a dealer if a problem cannot be solved even after checking and trying the solution or if a problem is notdescribed below, or when having a problem with installations.Depending on amount of data, there might be difficultiesin displaying images from a specific channel.If the PC in use does not meet the system requirementsfor a PC, there might be difficulties in displaying images.Check whether the connection indicator of the10/100BASE-T port is lit. If this indicator is not lit, thisindicates that no network connection has been estab-lished. Refer to a system administrator for further infor-mation.ReferencepagesCause/solution–SymptomCannot establish networkconnection, configure thesettings, or control therecorder.Images are not refreshed orrefresh is slow.Refer to p.23.–Refer to p.5.