23System connection index treeThe state of connection/disconnection between the PC, each recorder, and each camera channel will be displayed.When an icon is clicked, information of the respective device will be displayed in the information area on the rightside. The icon indicates the overall monitoring system, the icon indicates the recorder, and the iconindicates the channel.Monitor system information ("Monitor System Info")In the "Monitor System Info" area, the name of the monitoring system will be displayed. The name of the monitoringsystem can be edited.Recorder information ("Recorder Info")In the "Recorder Info" area, the IP address of the selected recorder, the recorder name, and the port number will bedisplayed. The recorder can be inserted into the system, updated, or deleted.(1) Insert a new recorder to the systemClick the [Insert] button and enter the IP address, the recorder name, and the port number correctly."IP Address": Enter the IP address of the recorder that is newly inserted into the system.Refer to "COMMUNICATION SETUP" of the recorder for the IP address."Name": Define the recorder name to be used in the system."Port": Enter the port number to be used for the recorder. Refer to "COMMUNICATION SETUP" of the recorder.(2) Update the recorder informationInformation of the currently connected recorder can be updated by clicking the [Update] button.(3) Delete the recorder from the systemWhen it is necessary to delete the recorder from the system, select the recorder to be deleted and click the[Delete] button. The confirmation window will be displayed. When the [OK] button is clicked, the selectedrecorder will be deleted from the system.