12Safety precautions3. Repairs to sealed components• During repairs to sealedcomponents, all electrical suppliesshall be disconnected from theequipment being worked upon priorto any removal of sealed covers, etc.• If it is absolutely necessary to havean electrical supply to equipmentduring servicing, then a permanentlyoperating form of leak detection shallbe located at the most critical pointto warn of a potentially hazardoussituation.• Particular attention shall be paidto the following to ensure that byworking on electrical components,the casing is not altered in such away that the level of protection isaffected. This shall include damageto cables, excessive number ofconnections, terminals not madeto original specification, damage toseals, incorrect fitting of glands, etc.• Ensure that apparatus is mountedsecurely.• Ensure that seals or sealingmaterials have not degraded suchthat they no longer serve thepurpose of preventing the ingress offlammable atmospheres.• Replacement parts shall be inaccordance with the manufacturer’sspecifications.NOTE: The use of silicon sealant mayinhibit the effectiveness of some typesof leak detection equipment.Intrinsically safe components do nothave to be isolated prior to workingon them.4. Repair to intrinsically safecomponents• Do not apply any permanentinductive or capacitance loads tothe circuit without ensuring thatthis will not exceed the permissiblevoltage and current permitted for theequipment in use.• Intrinsically safe components arethe only types that can be workedon while live in the presence of aflammable atmosphere.• The test apparatus shall be at thecorrect rating.• Replace components only withparts specified by the manufacturer.Unspecified parts by manufacturermay result ignition of refrigerant inthe atmosphere from a leak.5. Cabling• Check that cabling will not besubject to wear, corrosion, excessivepressure, vibration, sharp edges orany other adverse environmentaleffects.• The check shall also take intoaccount the effects of aging orcontinual vibration from sourcessuch as compressors or fans.6. Detection of fl ammablerefrigerants• Under no circumstances shallpotential sources of ignition be usedin the searching or detection ofrefrigerant leaks.• A halide torch (or any other detectorusing a naked flame) shall not beused.