AdDelete d DownloadMoveProgramme editProg. Chan. Name Lock2 :4 :5 :CH51CH47CH37OffOffOffXYZ1 : CH44 OffABC123456:3 CH41 OffFTPProgramme editProg.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ+- . 0123456789Chan. Name Lock1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :CH44CH51CH41CH47CH37OffOffOffOffOffXYZFTP123456Programme editProg. Chan. Name Lock1 :2 :3 :4 :5 :CH44CH51CH41CH47CH37ABCXYZFTP123456OffOffOffOffOffAll current tuningdata will be erasedWARNINGExitReturnStart Auto SetupAUTO SETUP IN PROGRESSSEARCHING : PLEASE WAIT01 99:21 41CH12ExitReturnManual tuning01 99:21 41CH121ExitSearch down/upReturnDirect entryStoreC 0 93 FTPOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKOKEditchannelsŶDeleteŶAddŶMoveŶChangenameŶLockŶDownload toequipmentProgrammeeditSetautomaticallyAuto setupSetmanuallyManualtuningŶTo download channelinformation to a Q-Linkcompatible equipmentconnected to the unitblue Automaticallytransmitted(for a few sec.)• For details (p. 22)ŶTo lockŶTo change the name of the broadcasterdisplayed when selecting channelsCursorUsable charactersSelect the"Name" fieldSelect thecharacterTo nextcharacterRepeatSelect the"Lock" fieldSelect "On"Start Auto setup startSettings are made automaticallySelect the programme positionand search through the channelStoresearchProgrammepositionChannelRepeatandSelect the channel to editNote• If a VCR isconnected withonly the RFcable, selectprogrammeposition "0".ChannelNameEdit• You cannot select the channel with numericbuttons or the "C" button when locked.Store• The settings aredownloaded to a Q-Linkcompatible equipmentconnected to the unit.• All previous settings areerased.• No data is stored if anAuto setup sequence isinterrupted.• Theprogrammepositionblinks.Automatically set the channels received in the areaTo freely change settings after Auto setupŶTo delete redAfter confirming, press redŶTo add greenAfter confirming, press greenŶTo move yellowOK Select newposition yellowEdit the programme position settings• When the operation is completed,the broadcast of programmenumber "1" will appear."Off" tounlock )(selectAdvanced19• Editing and Setting Channels