85 Technical FAQsProblem ActionsDigital TVDue to the digital reception technologies involved, quality of the Digital TV signals may berelatively low in some cases, despite good reception of Analogue TV channels.Unable to receive signalswith a high-performanceaerialInterference orfrozen / disappearingimage in Digital TVCheck “Digital TV Signal Condition” (p. 40).● If “Signal Quality” or “Signal Strength” are displayed inred, check aerial. If problem persists, consult your localPanasonic dealer.Turn the TV off with the Mains power On / Off switch, then● turn it On again.3DCannot see 3D imagesHas the 3D Eyewear been switched On?●● Ensure that “3D Picture Display” in “3D Settings” is set to “3D”. (p. 29)Some 3D image signals may not be automatically recognized● as 3D images. Set “3D Picture Format” in “3D Settings” tomatch the picture format. (p. 29)Check that there are no obstacles between the infrared● sensors on the TV and the 3D Eyewear. If the 3D Eyewearstops receiving the infrared signal for about 5 minutes, the 3DEyewear will be turned off automatically.Check the available area to use the 3D Eyewear. (p. 27)●● Depending on the person, the 3D images may be difficult to see,or cannot be seen, especially in users that have a different levelof eyesight between the left and right eyes. Take the necessarysteps (wearing glasses etc.) to correct your eyesight before use.3D Eyewear is turned offautomaticallyCheck that there are no obstacles between the infrared● sensors on the TV and the 3D Eyewear or that the 3DEyewear is placed inside the coverage area (p. 27). If the3D Eyewear stops receiving the infrared signal for about 5minutes, the 3D Eyewear will be turned off automatically.There is something wrongwith the 3D imagesCheck the setting of “3D Picture Sequence” or “Edge● Smoother”. (p. 28)The power lamp does notlight when pressing the powerbutton on the 3D EyewearThe battery may be running low or flat. Replace it.●OtherTV goes into StandbymodeOff Timer function is activated.● Auto power standby function is activated.● The TV enters Standby mode about 30 mins. after analogue● broadcasting ends.The remote control doesnot work or is intermittentAre the batteries installed correctly? (p. 3)● Has the TV been switched On?● Point the remote control directly at the front of the TV (within● about 7 m and a 30 degree angle of the front of the TV).Situate the TV away from sunshine or other sources of bright● light not to shine on the TV’s remote control signal receiver.Parts of the TV become hot Even when the temperature of parts of the front, top and rear● panels has risen, these temperature rises will not pose anyproblems in terms of performance or quality.TVVCR(Individual aerial)(Individual aerial)AerialInputterminalSplitterAerial OutputAerial InputAerial OutputInstall an aerial individually for the TV and VCR● (or use a splitter).