Current action New incomingcall from Next actionReceiving anincoming call from acameraDoorphone The existing incoming call from the camera is displayed in the subscreen and the new incoming call from the doorphone is displayed inthe main screen.R By touching the sub screen, you can switch the images displayedin the main screen and sub screen.Camera The display changes to the new incoming call, and the previousincoming call is terminated.Talking or monitoringwith a cameraDoorphone The incoming call from the doorphone is displayed in the sub screen(D).R When talking with the camera:– By touching D, you can switch the images displayed in themain screen and sub screen. (You can continue talking withthe original call when images are switched.)R When monitoring with the camera:– When D is touched, the display changes to the new incomingcall from the doorphone and the existing monitoring isterminated.Camera The incoming call can be displayed by touching the camera button(C)*2.R When C is touched, the display changes to the new incoming calland the existing call or monitoring is terminated.Transferringdoorphone callsDoorphone The incoming call notification button (E) is displayed.R When E is touched, transferring is cancelled and the screen isreturned to the original doorphone screen. The number of thedoorphone that the incoming call is from is displayed in a touchbutton such as B.R When B is touched, the display changes to the new incoming calland the existing call or monitoring is terminated.Camera The incoming call notification button (E) is displayed.R When E is touched, transferring is cancelled and the screen isreturned to the original doorphone screen. The incoming cameracall is displayed in the sub screen*1.R By touching the sub screen, you can switch the images displayedin the main screen and sub screen. (You can continue talking withthe original call when images are switched.)During an intercomcallDoorphone orcameraThe incoming call notification button (E) is displayed.R When E is touched, the display changes to the new incoming calland the existing intercom call is terminated.*1 When multiple incoming camera calls are received, the most recent incoming call received is given priority andis displayed in the sub screen.*2 When multiple incoming camera calls are received, the most recent incoming call received is given priority andis shown in the camera button.Note:R The sub screen display can be turned off by touching .8.2 When another incoming call is received - sub monitorWhen another incoming call is received from the doorphone or camera while talking, monitoring, or receiving anincoming call with the sub monitor, notifications are received in the following manner.318. Incoming call operations