10PrecautionsThis wireless display is not intended foruse in medical equipment including life-support systems, air traffic control sys-tems, or other equipment, devices orsystems that are involved with ensuringhuman life or safety. Panasonic cannotbe held responsible in any way for anydamages or loss resulting from the useof this wireless display in these types ofequipment, devices or systems, etc.The CF-08 was developed based onthorough research into the real-worldportable computing environments.Exhaustive pursuit of usability and reli-ability under harsh conditions led toinnovations such has the magnesiumalloy exterior and flexible internal con-nections. The CF-08’s outstanding engi-neering has been tested using the strictMIL-STD- 810F (for vibration andshock) and IP (for dust and water)based procedures.As with any portable wireless displaydevice precautions should be taken toavoid any damage. The following usageand handling procedures are recom-mended.If a Malfunction Occurs, ImmediatelyUnplug the AC Plug and the Battery Pack• This product is damaged• Foreign object inside this product• Smoke emitted• Unusual smell emitted• Unusually hotContinuing to use this product while any ofthe above conditions are present mayresult in fire or electric shock.• If a malfunction occurs, immediately turnthe power off and unplug the AC plug,and then remove the battery pack.Do Not Touch This Product andCable When It Starts ThunderingElectric shock may result.Wireless DisplayTHIS PRODUCT IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE AS, OR AS PART OF,NUCLEAR EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS, OR AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS *1 . PANASONICWILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM THEUSE OF THIS PRODUCT ARISING OUT OF THE FOREGOING USES.*1 AIRCRAFT COCKPIT EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS include Class2 Electrical Flight Bag(EFB) Systems and Class1 EFB Systems when used during critical phases of flight(e.g., during take-off and landing) and/or mounted on to the aircraft. Class1 EFB Sys-tems and 2 EFB Systems are defined by FAA: AC (Advisory Circular) 120-76A or JAA:JAA TGL (Temporary Guidance Leaflets) No.36.Panasonic cannot guarantee any specifications, technologies, reliability, safety(e.g. Flammability/Smoke/Toxicity/Radio Frequency Emission, etc) requirementsrelated to aviation standards that exceed the specifications of our COTS (Com-mercial-Off-The-Shelf) products.Before putting the wireless displayaway, be sure to wipe off any moisture.