476.8. Adjust and confirm the lightlevel• Purpose for adjustment : Confirm that the enough light levelto operate Touch Panel properly is secured.1. Press "Auto set" at left and right.2. Press "Initialize" after press "Write to ROM" to save thedata.3. Confirm that the weakest point of left and right waveshape (light level) is level 2.5 or more.The scale of the sensor wave shape is 10 levels as awhole.The L wave shape is about 3.5 levels, the R wave shapeis about 3.2 levels for the figure below. (Refer to theexpansion display)• If dust exists on the sensor unit or reflection plate, necessarylight level may not be secured. Clean the reflection plate andthe floodlight lens of the sensor part.[Cleaning of the sensor part]- Place the touch panel that the sensor part comes thebottom.- Clean the 2 flood light lenses and the prism in the mid-dle.Rub the 2 flood light lenses and the prism gently, usingwet cotton bud with water or 30% alcohol solution.[Attention]- Do not drop water or alcohol solution inside the sen-sor part.*Squeeze well the moisture of the cotton bud.- The flood light lenses and the prism are made ofacrylic plastic.- Scratches on the surface and using chemicals exceptalcohol drop performance.• If the weakest point is below 2.5, set "LED power" current to"High" by opening "Common" tab in Parameter.• If the weakest point is still below 2.5 although setting "LEDpower" current to "High", open "Sensitivity" tab in"Parameter" to adjust the sensor sensitivity.*Adjust the lowest point of the wave shape to 3 levels.• If you set the wave shape to too high level more thannecessary, thin things cannot be recognized. When confirm-ing the thinnest value detection, NG will appear.*Press "Write to ROM" when you adjust the sensor sen-sitivity.