135. TouchPanel Setting ProgramThis software is a setting program to set communication port and to set and calibrate variousoperation modes. Changed details will be saved in a setting ¿le so that the changed details areeffective at the subsequence restarts.Pressing each button will display the corresponding setting window for changing the settings.Changes for each item will be recorded to the setting ¿le upon closing the window by pressing the[OK] button and reÀected to the running driver software.When the [Close] button is pressed, the setting program will be minimized and stored in thetaskbar.5-1. Operation Condition DisplayIn the main screen, the communication port number with which the touch panel is connected andthe click mode setting details are displayed.When the touch panel is connected and the communication is enabled, the display for Portbecomes either "*** Auto Connected" or "*** Connected". When the display is still "AutoConnecting" or "*** DisConnect" after a while, the connection to the touch panel is failed. Check ifthe "Port" setting in "Mode Settings" is set correctly.Display examplesThe communication port is set to "Auto Connect" and the touchpanel is waiting to be connected.The click mode is set to "Drag".The communication port is set to "Auto Connect" and the touchpanel is connected. The port is "***".The click mode is set to "Click on Touch".The communication port is set to manual connection (other than AutoConnect) of "***" and the touch panel is connected to the set port.The click mode is set to "Drag".