11The Sound menu will allow you to set your personal preferences for all aspects of sound qualityOpen the Sound menuMove to your choiceIncrease or decrease levels or setoptionsPress the TV/AV button to exit theSound menuPressing the STR button afterhaving adjusted a feature will storethe setting as the default (replacingthe factory setting)The Volume adjustment sets the overalloutput volume.Bass adjustment will emphasise thelower, deeper frequencies and can beincreased or decreased.Treble adjustment will emphasise thesharper, higher frequencies and can beincreased or decreased.Balance affects the levels of soundbetween the left and right speakers.Adjustment can be made so that thelevel from the speakers will suit yourlistening position.Can be adjusted independantly of theTV speakers so that everyone can enjoylistening at a level comfortable for them.MPX will usually be set to Stereo toprovide the best reproduction, howeverif reception deteriorates or if the serviceis not available then it is advisable toswitch to Mono. Mono M1 and M2 canalso be selected if signals are beingtransmitted.The sound can be improved duringMusic or Speech mode by selecting theappropriate function.Ambience provides a dynamicenhancer to simulate improved spatialeffects.SOUND MENUTV/AVSOUNDSTRSelectChangeExitVolumeVolumeBassTrebleBalanceHeadphone volumeMPX StereoMode MusicAmbience OffSound menuBassTrebleMPXAmbienceBalanceModeVolumeHeadphonevolume