21EnglishWatching ExternalInputsConnect the external equipment (VCR, DVD, etc.) andyou can watch through the input. For details, refer to [eHELP] (Watching > Externalequipment).1 Display the input selection menu2 Select the input mode connected tothe equipmentselectwatch TV receives input signals automatically connectingwith SCART when playback starts.• Input signals are automatically identified by theSCART (pin 8) terminal.• This function is also available for HDMIconnections when [VIERA Link] is set to [On].• When input mode is not switched automatically,perform as above or check the setup of theequipment. You can also select the input pressing the AV button.Press repeatedly until the desired input is selected. You can select [COMPONENT] and [VIDEO] in [AV2].Operating the equipment with TV’sremote controlYou can operate the contents in Media Player / mediaserver, recording functions or the connected equipmentwith the following buttons of this TV’s remote control.Child LockYou can lock specific channels / AV input terminals torestrict access to them.When the locked channel / input is selected, a messageappears. Enter the PIN number to watch. For details, refer to [eHELP] (Functions > Child Lock).1 Display the menu and select [Setup]Setupselectaccess2 Select [Child Lock]selectaccess1 Enter the PIN number (4 digits) Enter the PIN number twice at first setting. Make a note of the PIN number in case you forgetit. “0000” may be stored as the default PIN numberdepending on the country you select.2 Select [Child Lock List] and set the channel / input tobe locked101 BBC 1 Wales7 BBC THREE14 E4CVCR1 BBC1*****21IMDHChild Lock List - TV and AV Sorting 123...Name InputDVB-CDVB-TDVB-TAnalogueAnalogueAnalogueExternalTypeFree TVFree TVFree TVAnalogueAnalogueAnalogueAVLockselectlock / unlock: Appears when the channel / input is locked To lock all(green) To cancel all locks(yellow) To sort channel names in alphabetical order(red) To jump to the head of the next channel / input group(blue)