17PICTURE1 Press to display the PICTURE screen.2 Press to select the menu to adjust.Adjust the desired level by looking at the picture behind the menu.3 Press to exit from the PICTURE screen.This returns the set to the normal viewing condition.CONTRASTBRIGHTNESSCOLOURSHARPNESSCOMB FILTER ONBACKLIGHTPICTUREC.TEMP STANDARDAI ONDYNAMICMENUMENU mode will be memorized for each TV, AV1 andAV2 mode.MENUCINEMADYNAMIC STANDARDFunctionDisplays a bright screen with maximum contrast.Displays standard image.Ideal for movies in the dark room.MENUDYNAMICSTANDARDCINEMAFunctionBACKLIGHT, CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS, COLOUR, SHARPNESS, NTSC-TINTYou can change the level of each Item (BACKLIGHT, CONTRAST, BRIGHTNESS,COLOUR, SHARPNESS, NTSC-TINT) for each MENU (DYNAMIC, STANDARDand CINEMA) according to your personal preference.With an NTSC-TINT signal source connected to the TV, the picture hue can beadjusted to suit your taste.ItemCONTRASTBRIGHTNESSCOLOURSHARPNESSCOMB FILTER ONC.TEMP STANDARDAIBACKLIGHTMENU DYNAMICONPICTUREEffectBrightness of the back light is adjusted.Adjust for contrast.Adjusts for easier viewing of dark pictures such as night scenes and hair.Adjusts slightly to a lighter.Displays a sharp image.Adjusts the picture hue.BACKLIGHTCONTRASTBRIGHTNESSCOLOURSHARPNESSNTSC-TINTNotes:• When the TV is receiving NTSC Signals, NTSC-TINT is displayed and level adjustment is possible.• Only BACKLIGHT and CONTRAST will be displayed during TEXT mode.Less MoreLess MoreLess MoreLess MoreBrighterDarkerBrighterDarkerC.TEMP AIlows you to set the overall colour tone of the picture.WARMSTANDARDCOOL CONTRASTBRIGHTNESSCOLOURSHARPNESSCOMB FILTER ONAIBACKLIGHTMENU DYNAMICONPICTUREC.TEMP STANDARDTV/AVPICTURE