2Windows ® refers to the Microsoft ® Windows ® operating system.Windows ® XP refers to the Microsoft® Windows® XP operating system.Windows Vista ® refers to the Microsoft® Windows Vista ® operating system.Windows ® 7 refers to the Microsoft ® Windows ® 7 operating system.DirectX ® refers to the Microsoft® DirectX® application programming interface.• Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista, DirectX, Windows Media, and Internet Explorer are either registeredtrademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.• IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, orboth.• Intel and Pentium are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.• Adobe, Reader and Flash are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporatedin the United States and/or other countries.• All other trademarks identified herein are the property of their respective owners.Instructions for elite Panaboard software and elite Panaboard book (included) are provided in the helpinformation accompanying the software.For details on accessing this information, see “Viewing the Help of the Software” (see page 15).Note• For details about the system requirements, refer to “Read Me First” (see page 12) in the install menu ofthe included DVD-ROM.• Even when the system requirements are met, the Interactive Plasma Display response may be delayedor the electronic pen may malfunction if other applications, anti-virus software, etc. are active.Computer IBM ® PC/AT compatible with a DVD-ROM driveCPU Intel ® Pentium ® 4 processor or laterOperating System Windows(R) XP SP3 or later / Windows Vista(R) SP2 or later / Windows 7(except for Starter and Home Basic versions)(Windows XP 64-bit edition is not supported.)Interface USB 2.0AbbreviationsTrademarksHelp of the SoftwareSystem RequirementsIntroduction