295.1.4. XML Object OutlineThe following table is an outline of main XML objects.Element Functionalityppxml Root elementScreen Screen object is same as Window of UI.Components Components object is correction of UI control object mainly.Label It displays the text string, date-time. (*1)PictureBox It displays BMP format data.TextBox It enables the user to enter and modify the text.Softkeys Soft keys definition.FFKeys FF keys definition.Pagekeys Page keys definition.Menu It displays Menu items.PhoneBook It displays Network Phonebook using built in phonebook UI. (*1)Softkeys Soft keys definition.FFKeys FF keys definition.Pagekeys Page keys definition. (*2)Events Events are an object to catch events. Events can also have some"Actions".Timer It is able to define timer period and actions at the expiration. (*1)Softkeys Soft keys definition.FFKeys FF keys definition.Pagekeys Page keys definition. (*2)Redialkey Redial key definition.Trigger It is used for the Push Service initiated from the server. (*1)SetVariables It provides the global variable which is available until rebooting.Execute Execute defines the operations (Reboot, SetXmlMode).Note.(*1): TGP600 supports only these elements.(*2): HDV230/330/430 supports only these elements.*Screen version: TGP600 - 2.0, HDV100/130/230/330/430 - 2.0/3.0*Trigger version: TGP600 - 2.0, HDV100/130/230/330/430 - 2.0/3.0