Network Phonebook operations<TGP600, HDV100/HDV130/230>The network phonebook operations are almost same as embedded local phonebook operations by usingPhoneBook element. Please refer to the Operating Instructions for detailed operation of phonebook.(It is also possible to construct different user interface originally by using another element.)If the above parameters are set, the following menu is displayed when the user press key.Please select [Remote Phonebook] menu, and press key.Then the phone accesses to the phonebook server with the following URL. ‘&name=’ part is added by the phone automatically. This name parameter is set for name query.However query parameter is set null in the first access.The front part is same as configuration parameter.If the query word is entered and pressed key, the phone access to the phonebook server with thefollowing URL. there are acquiring data, the following screen is displayed.If there are no acquired data, the following screen is displayed.OKPhonebookRemote PhonebookRemote Phonebook<Enter Name>Remote PhonebookJamesNo EntriesOKJames① 2222Jones