115.2. Service port (M3 mini Jack) SpecificationsThe Service port (M3 mini Jack) on the following TVs can use as the RS232C terminal which is a standard computer SERIAL inter-face.*This operation system should be used by the certified professional dealer.PC Control of the TV• The TV can be controlled by a personal computer when connected through an RS232C/ M3 mini jack conversion cable (not sup-plied).• The computer will require software which allows sending and receiving of control data through its SERIAL port.Please see required parameters and commands below.Communication parametersBasic format for control dataThe transmission of control data from the PC starts with a STX signal, followed by the command, the parameters, and lastly anEXT signal in that order. If there are no parameters, then the parameter signal does not need to be sent.*Please see other side regarding Commands and Parameters.ConnectionNotes:• With standby mode, this TV responds to "PON" and "QPW" commands only.• Wait for the response of the first command to come from this unit before sending the next command.• If multiple commands are transmitted, be sure to keep intervals of 250 m sec.Send the command again when the call back command is unusual.• If an incorrect command is sent by mistake, this TV will send an "ER401" or "ER402" command back to the computer.• This TV does not respond for 15 seconds when "PON" or "POF" commands are transmitted.• Send "EXT" commands before sending "IMS:**" commands.• MUTE commands ("AMT: 0" and "AMT: 1") and "AVL: ***" command are invalid in case of HDMI (CECIL) cooperation.However AMT, AUK, AUDI commands is effective. (MUTE rotation (toggle), VOLUME UP and VOLUME DOWN controls arepossible.)Signal level RS-232C compliantSynchronization method AsynchronousBaud rate 9600 bpsParity NoneCharacter length 8 bitsStop bit 1 bitFlow control -