TC-L32X3073.2. Applicable signalsInput signal that can be displayed* Mark: Applicable input signal for Component (Y, P B, PR ), HDMI and PCNote:• Signals other than above may not be displayed properly.• The above signals are reformatted for optimal viewing on your display.• Computer signals which can be input are those with a horizontal scanning frequency of 15 to 110 kHz and vertical scanningfrequency of 48 to 120 Hz. (However, the image will not be displayed properly if the signals exceed 1,200 lines.)horizontal frequency (kHz) vertical frequency (Hz) COMPONENT HDMI PC525 (480) / 60i 15.73 59.94 * *525 (480) /60p 31.47 59.94 * *750 (720) /60p 45.00 59.94 * *1,125 (1,080) /60i 33.75 59.94 * *1,125 (1,080)/60p 67.43 59.94 *1,125 (1,080)/60p 67.50 60.00 *1,125(1,080)/24p 26.97 23.98 *1,125(1,080)/24p 27.00 24.00 *640 × 400 @70 31.47 70.08 *640 × 480 @60 31.47 59.94 *Macintosh13” (640 × 480) 35.00 66.67 *640 × 480 @75 37.50 75.00 *852 × 480 @60 31.44 59.89 *800 × 600 @60 37.88 60.32 *800 × 600 @75 46.88 75.00 *800 × 600 @85 53.67 85.08 *Macintosh16” (832 × 624) 49.73 74.55 *1,024 × 768 @60 48.36 60.00 *1,024 × 768 @70 56.48 70.07 *1,024 × 768 @75 60.02 75.03 *1,024 × 768 @85 68.68 85.00 *Macintosh 21” (1,152 × 870) 68.68 75.06 *1,280 × 768 @60 47.78 59.87 *1,280 × 1,024 @60 63.98 60.02 *1,366 × 768 @60 48.39 60.04 *