- 10 -TC-20KL05PCHK2 MODE TABLEReference values231005028502850RF AGCCONTRASTCOLOURSUB COLOURTINTSUB NTSC-TINTBRIGHTCHK3 MODE TABLEReference values32374345V-SLOPEV-SHIFTV-AMPH-SHIFTCHK4 MODE TABLEReference values28305030100113331352R-CUTG-CUTBRIGHTSUB-BRIGHTCONTRASTSUB- CONTRASTR-DRIVEG-DRIVEB-DRIVERGB-CONTRASTADJUSTMENTSCHK2 MODE - VCJ ADJUSTMENTSOn CHK2 mode it is possible to adjust the items of the table shown here.Note:To select an item, type “4” to move forward and “3” to move back.After having selected the desired option, adjust it by pressing the “VOL(_)” or“VOL(+)” keys.CHK3 MODE - PINCUSHION ADJUSTMENTSOn CHK3 mode it is possible to adjust the items of the table shown here.Note:To select an item, type “4” to move forward and “3” to move back.After having selected the desired option, adjust it by pressing the “VOL(_)” or“VOL(+)” keys.CHK4 MODE - WHITE BALANCE ADJUSTMENTSOn CHK4 mode it is possible to adjust the items of the table shown here.Note:To select an item, type “4” to move forward and “3” to move back.After having selected the desired option, adjust it by pressing the “VOL(_)” or“VOL(+)” keys.Observation:The values of the tables CHK2, CHK3 and CHK4 are reference values and they can vary, according to each receiver.TO EXIT SERVICE MODE AND RETURN TO NORMAL MODETo exit SERVICE MODE, turn off or reset (SELF CHECK) the television.