- 6 -TC-20KL03A / TC-29KL03ATHE DAC CONTROL 4OR MX5ZB 4UNCTIONS ADJUSTMENTSHOW TO ENTER IN THE SERVICE MODE:1- Set the “OFF TIMER” to 30 minutes.2- Press simultaneously RECALL key on the remote control and VOL(-) button on the unit.After some seconds, the expression “CHK” should appear on the superior right side of the screen. (To change thememory data, to press MUTE and e VOLUME(_) simultaneously still with OSD in the way “CHK1”. The key “4” itmoves forward in the memory, and the key “3” it retreats in the memoryNote: To alter in the way CHK1 for the CHK2, CHK3 or CHK4 mode, press the key “2” to move forward and thekey “1” to retreat, as illustrated below.TO EXIT SERVICE MODE AND RETURN TO THE NORMAL MODE:Press the “NORMAL” key on the remote control unit or turn off the TV.CHK1 - OPTIONSBeing in the way CHK1, it will be possible to adjust the options below:Note:To select the option, type “4” to move forwardand “3” to retreat.After having selected the wanted option, adjustit pressing the “VOL(_)” or “VOL(+)” keys.Press “0” to memorize the adjustment.CHK1 OPTIONS TABLEMEDIUM VALUESTC-20KL03AC000003B0000409TC-29KL03AC000003B00004009OPTIONOPTION 1OPTION 2OPTION 3OPTION 4OPTION 5OPTION 6OPTION 7OPTION 8