- 7 -TC-20KL03A / TC-29KL03ACHK2 - VCJ ADJUSTMENTSIn the CHK2 mode is possible to adjust the items of the table.Note:To select the option, type “4” to move forward and “3” to retreat.After having selected the wanted option, adjust it pressing the “VOL(_)”or “VOL(+)” keys.Press “0” To memorize the adjustment.CHK3 - PINCUSHION ADJUSTMENTSIn the CHK2 mode is possible to adjust the items of the table.Note:To select the option, type “4” to move forward and “3” to retreat.After having selected the wanted option, adjust it pressing the “VOL(_)”or “VOL(+)” keys.Press “0” To memorize the adjustment.CHK4 - WHITE BALANCE ADJUSTMENTSIn the CHK2 mode is possible to adjust the items of the table.Note:To select the option, type “4” to move forward and “3” to retreat.After having selected the wanted option, adjust it pressing the “VOL(_)”or “VOL(+)” keys.Press “0” To memorize the adjustment.To obtain a horizontal line without vertical sweeping, press the “5” keywhen the OSD indicates the marked mode. To return to the “CHK4”mode, press “5” again.CHK2 TABLEMEDIUM VALUESTC-20KL03A233531TC-29KL03A223732ITEMRF AGCSUB COULORSUB TINTCHK4 TABLEMEDIUM VALUESTC-20KL03A292626212631337TC-29KL03A3325252127313511ITEMR-CUTG-CUTS-BRTSUB CONTRASTR-DRIVEG-DRIVEB-DRIVERGB CONTRASTETABELA CHK5VALORES MÉDIOSTC-20KL03A401027TC-29KL03A41928ITEMINPUT LEVELLB SEPARATIONHB SEPARATIONCHK3 TABLEMEDIUM VALUESTC-20KL03A3511273434232615154327321818252522718TC-29KL03A3621172331232615154327322625252532521ITEMV-SLOPV-SHIFT 50HzV-SHIFT 60HzV-AMP 50HzV-AMP 60HzH-SHIFTEW-WIDTHEW-PARAEW-UP COREW-LOW COREW-TRAPEH-PARAH-BOWS-CORR-50HzS-CORR-60HzV-ZOOM-50HzV-ZOOM-60HzOSD H-POSOSD V-POS-50HzOSD V-POS-60HCHK5 - STEREO ADJUSTMENTS