1008-4 VF8-4-1 VF DISPLAY 8-4-2 VF MARKER8-4-3 USER BOXThe ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates the presetmode.Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksDISPCONDITIONNORMALHOLDNORMAL: Display status constantly.HOLD: Display status only when theMODE CHECK switch is pressed.– C U F EDISP MODE 123Set the DISP MODE.Switch the camera’s Warning/Messageindication. Please refer to [4-7-4 DisplayModes and Setting Changes/adjustmentResult Messages] for more information.– C U F EVF OUT YNAMRGBSelect the VF output.Y: Brightness signalNAM: Output signal with the highest levelamong R, G, and B signals.R: Rch signalG: Gch signalB: Bch signal– C U F EVF DTL 0:3:5Select the VF DTL.Additionally enhance the DTL for the VFsignal. 0 setting is the same DTL as theprimary scan lines.– C U F EZEBRA1DETECT0%:70%:109%Set the ZEBRA1 detection level (IRE value).– C U F EZEBRA2DETECT0%:85%:109%Set the ZEBRA2 detection level (IRE value).– C U F EZEBRA2 ONSPOTOFFSet the ZEBRA2 to ON, OFF, or SPOT.– C U F ELOW LIGHT LVL OFF10%15%20%25%30%35%Set the camera incoming light volume atwhich to display LOW LIGNT.– C U F EECU MENUDISP.ONOFFSet the menu display on the VF to ON orOFF when the ECU is connected.– C U F E50MINDICATORONOFFSet the 50M recording indication to ON orOFF.– C U F EMARKER/CHARLVL50%60%70%80%90%100%Adjust the brightness of markers andcharacters displayed on the VF.– C U F EItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksTABLE ABSelect the VF MARKER setting table.First, select table A or B, then set the itemsbelow for each table.– C U F ECENTER MARK OFF1234Switch the center mark.OFF: Do not display center mark.1: + (large)2: Hollow (large)3: + (small)4: Hollow (small)– C U F ESAFETY ZONE OFF12Select the frame type for the safety zone.OFF: Do not display frame.1: Box2: Corner frame– C U F ESAFETY AREA 80%:90%:100%Set the position of the safety zone.– C U F EFRAME SIG 4:313:914:9VISTASet the frame marker.Only enabled when REC MODE is set to16:9.The VISTA ratio is 16:8.65.– C U F EFRAME MARK ONOFFSet the frame marker to ON or OFF.– C U F EFRAME LVL 0:15Set the level outside the frame marker.0: Equivalent to signal OFF.15: Same brightness as center area.This setting, however, is disabled ifthe FRAME SIG is set to VISTA.– C U F EItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksUSER BOX ONOFFSelect whether or not to display the USERBOX.– C U F EUSER BOXWIDTH1:13:100Set the width of the USER BOX.– C U F EUSER BOXHEIGHT1:13:144Set the height of the USER BOX.– C U F EUSER BOX HPOS–50:+00:+50Set the horizontal position of the USERBOX.– C U F EUSER BOX VPOS–144:+000:+144Set the vertical position of the USER BOX.– C U F E